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Articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings
- Pianzola, Federico, Srishti Sharma & Frank Tsiwah. Forthcoming. “Can a book make you happy? Predicting emotional links between genre, plot, and reader response". Journal of Cultural Analytics. (Accepted based on the registered report).
- Zhou, Feng & Federico Pianzola. 2023. “Evaluation and Alignment of Movie Events Extracted via Machine Learning from a Narratological Perspective". CHR 2023: Computational Humanities Research Conference, December 6 – 8, 2023, Paris, France. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3558:49-62.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2023. “Sociality and Seriality in Digital Reading: Two Extra Memos for This Millennium” (Preprint here). Companion to Literary Media. Eds. Bronwen Thomas, Julia Round, and Astrid Ensslin. Routledge.
- Steg, Max, Slot, Karlo, & Federico Pianzola. 2022. “Computational Detection of Narrativity: A Comparison Using Textual Features and Reader Response'. Proceedings of the 6th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature. 105–114. Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
- Pianzola, Federico, Giuseppe Riva, Karin Kukkonen, & Fabrizia Mantovani. 2022. “Am I present in imaginary worlds? Intentions, actions, and flow in mediated experiences and fiction". Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41–42.
- Rhee, B.-A., Pianzola, F., Choi, J., Hyung, W., & Hwang, J. 2022. “Visual content analysis of visitors’ engagement with an instagrammable exhibition". Museum Management and Curatorship, 1–15.
Pianzola, F. 2022. “La paranoia della spaccatura. Scienza e fantasia nei racconti di Primo Levi". Il sistema periodico. Primo Levi chimico e scrittore. Eds. Vincenzo Aquilanti, Anna Dolfi, & Maria Luisa Meneghetti (Atti dei Convegni Lincei; Vol. 342). Bardi Edizioni. 251-262.
- Rebora, Simone, Peter Boot, Federico Pianzola, Brigitte Gasser, J. Berenike Herrmann, Maria Kraxenberger, Moniek Kuijpers, et al. 2021. “Digital Humanities and Digital Social Reading”. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
- Pianzola, Federico, Maurizio Toccu, and Marco Viviani. 2021. “Readers’ Engagement through Digital Social Reading on Twitter: The TwLetteratura Case Study”. Library Hi Tech.(Preprint here)
- Rhee, Boa, Federico Pianzola, and Gangta Choi. 2021. “Analyzing the museum experience through the lens of Instagram posts”. Curator: The Museum Journal. (Preprint here)
- Pianzola, Federico, Giuseppe Riva, Karin Kukkonen, and Fabrizia Mantovani. 2021. “Presence, Flow, and Narrative Absorption: An Interdisciplinary Theoretical Exploration with a New Spatiotemporal Integrated Model Based on Predictive Processing”. Open Research Europe, 1–28.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2021. “Presence, flow, and narrative absorption questionnaires: A scoping review”. Open Research Europe, 1–11.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2021. “Modeling Literary Criticism: How to Do It and How to Teach It to Humans and Machines”. Style 55.1: 111–117. (Preprint here)
- Rhee, Boa, Federico Pianzola, Nayea Oh, Gangta Choi, and Jungho Kim. 2021. “Remediating Tradition with Technology: A Case Study of ‘From Tangible to Intangible: A Media Showcase of Kisa Chin p’yori Chinch’an Uigwe’”. Digital Creativity, January: 1-15. (Preprint here)
- Ciotti, Fabio and Federico Pianzola. 2021. “La letteratura e il digitale: rappresentazione, analisi, comunicazione” [Literature and the digital: representation, analysis, communication]. Percorsi di teoria e comparatistica letteraria [Literary theory and comparative literature textbook]. Eds. Stefania Sini and Franca Sinopoli. Pearson.
- Pianzola, Federico, and Luca Deriu. 2021. “StoryVR: A Virtual Reality App for Enhancing Reading”. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 10th International Conference. Workshops. Eds. Zuzana Kubincová, Loreto Lancia, Elvira Popescu, Minoru Nakayama, Vittorio Scarano, and Ana B. Gil. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer. 281–288. (Preprint here)
- Pianzola, Federico. 2020. “Linked-Potter: An Example of Ontology for the Study of the Evolution of Literature and Reading Communities”. JADH2020 Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Japanese Association of Digital Humanities “A New Decade in Digital Scholarship: Microcosms and Hubs”. Ed. Bor Hodošček. Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University. 28–32.
- Pianzola, Federico, Alberto Acerbi, and Simone Rebora. 2020. “Cultural Accumulation and Improvement in Online Fan Fiction”. CHR 2020: Workshop on Computational Humanities Research, November 18–20, 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2723:2-11.
- Pianzola, Federico, and Wayne de Fremery. 2020. “Designing a Virtual Reality Environment for Reading Literature: Prelude to an Experiment with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. The Materiality of Reading. Eds. Theresa Schilhab and Sue Walker. Aarhus University Press. 67–93. (Preprint here)
- Pianzola, Federico, Simone Rebora, and Gerhard Lauer. 2020. “Wattpad as a resource for literary studies. Quantitative and qualitative examples of the importance of digital social reading and readers’ comments in the margins”. PLoS ONE 15.1: e0226708.
- Pianzola, Federico, Katalin Bálint, and Jessica Weller. 2019. “Virtual Reality as a Tool for Promoting Reading via Enhanced Narrative Absorption and Empathy”. Scientific Study of Literature 9.2: 162–93. (Preprint here)
- Pianzola, Federico, and Simone Rebora. 2019. “Visualizing Wattpad”. DH2019.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2018. “Looking at Narrative as a Complex System: the Proteus Principle”. Narrating Complexity. Eds. Susan Stepney and Richard Walsh. Springer. 101-122. (Preprint here)
- Lively, Adam, Federico Pianzola, and Romana Turina. 2018. “Three-Way Dialogue (Closure, Proteus, History)”. Narrating Complexity. Eds. Susan Stepney and Richard Walsh. Springer. 143-148. (Preprint here)
- Pianzola, Federico. 2018. “La complessità della narrazione e della narratologia” [The complexity of Narrative and Narratology]. Enthymema 24: 221–233.
- Rebora, Simone and Federico Pianzola. 2018. “A new research programme for reading research: analysing comments in the margins on Wattpad”. DigitCult 3.2: 19–36.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2017. “Cognitive Affordances, Aesthetic Effects and Social Functions: A Systemic Approach to Narrative Studies”. Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning 3.3: 41–50.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2017. “Il postumanesimo di Primo Levi: storie sulla co-evoluzione di natura e tecnica” [Primo Levi’s posthumanism: stories on the co-evolution of nature and craft]. Riga. Primo Levi. Edited by Marco Belpoliti. Milano: Marcos y Marcos. 515–527. (Preprint here)
- Pianzola, Federico. 2017. “L’etica della finzione: Primo Levi e i miti” [The ethics of fiction: Primo Levi and myths]. Gli intellettuali/scrittori ebrei e il dovere della testimonianza. In ricordo di Giorgio Bassani, atti del convegno di Firenze, 7-9 novembre 2016. Edited by Anna Dolfi. Firenze: Firenze University Press. 657–665.
- Pianzola, Federico and Franco Passalacqua. 2016. “Epistemological Problems in Narrative Theory: Constructivist vs. Objectivist Paradigm”. Narrative Sequence in Contemporary Narratologies. Eds. Raphaël Baroni and Françoise Revaz. Ohio State University Press. 140–155. (Preprint here)
- Pianzola, Federico. 2016. “Annotazioni sui fondamenti epistemologici della narratologia” [Notes on the Epistemological Foundations of Narratology]. Comparatismi 1: 203–215.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2016. “Questioni di narratività, finzionalità e letterarietà: sull’uso dell’imperfetto nella comunicazione via Twitter” [About Narrativity, Fictionality, and Literariness: Uses of the Italian Imperfective in Twitter Communication]. L’Ulisse 19: 121–146.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2015. “Primo Levi, un «lettore strampalato»” [Primo Levi, a weird reader]. Biblioteche reali, biblioteche immaginarie. Tracce di libri, luoghi e letture. Edited by Anna Dolfi. Firenze: Firenze University Press. 415-428.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2015. “L’etica nuova di Primo Levi: narrazione e scienze della complessità” [Primo Levi’s new ethics: narrative and complexity science]. Primo Levi Actes du Colloque International de Chambéry, Université Savoie Mont Blanc 25 et 26 mars 2015. Edited by Daniela Amsallem. Chambéry: Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Laboratoire LLSETI. 95-106.
- Pianzola, Federico and Franco Passalacqua. 2011. “Continuity and Break Points: Some Aspects of the Contemporary Debate in Narrative Theory”. Enthymema 4: 19–34.
- Pianzola, Federico. 2010. “Simboli e retoriche di ‘San Giorgio in casa Brocchi’” [Symbols and Rhetoric of San Giorgio in casa Brocchi’ by C. E. Gadda]. Critica Letteraria 147: 271–300.